A Season In The South

Price: $3.95

  • Product Code: RP176/04
  • ISBN: 9781878718785
  • Pages: 224
  • Size: 5 1/2 X 8 1/4
  • Color: FULL COLOR
  • Binding: PAPERBACK
  Kindle eBook Available


Margaret, a middle-aged wife and mother, faces cancer and the breakdown of her marriage with newly found spiritual and emotional strength. A captivating first novel by the author. "Come to Key West with Marci Alborghetti and discover a place where the people are as bright and bold as the subtropical colors and warmer than the Florida sun." No matter what challenge you face in your own life, you'll find strength and inspiration in this story of a brave woman whose encounter with mortality brings her a renewed marriage, a new sense of herself, a vanload of new friends, and, above all, a more intimate relationship with God.

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