Price: $4.95
This small book is chock full of suggestions, both practical and spiritual, for gaining or maintaining our vision. It is a perfect Christmas or end-of-year gift for new catechists, catechists in training, or catechists who have been "in the field" for a long time.
In this small volume, John Flanagan, a deacon for over 35 years, shares the fulfillment and joy in his life and ministry. This book is filled with his practical and spiritual exper (...)
In a clear and engaging style, the author brings readers the latest insights of scholars along with prayerful and practical ways of using Jesus' favorite prayer book. The Psalms wi (...)
This little book will help good servers to understand what the Mass is about, know what needs to be done, and carry out their duties with a proper attitude. With the insight gained (...)
Reflections of Catholic statesmen, theologians, bishops, bankers, collegians, moms, dads, and grandparents promise to inspire readers to rethink the traditional practices of fastin (...)