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In 28 bite-size chapters, the author addresses the challenges, lessons, joys, and rewards of living alone. Through the process of Starting Off, Settling In, Opening Up, and Moving On, singles will resonate with the pain and possibility that is shared by over 28 million Americans. Using each day's brief reflection, probing question, and pertinent quote by Adolfo Quezada, this book will comfort and empower those living alone to take ownership for their life, confident in being guided and upheld by God.
This exquisite book of meditations gently directs the reader to see the gift of self in an entirely new and beautiful light. It presents a spirituality of self-love not based on na (...)
These short, gentle, often playful, always hopeful essays and discussion questions invite readers to be attentive and receptive to interventions of the divine in their own lives. A (...)
Can we draw on our faith to help us overcome our fears and insecurities and to heal our wounded selves? In his book, Father John has adapted the methods he uses successfully in ind (...)
For teachers, parents, and youth ministers. Fr. O'Malley provides ways to outfox teenage convictions that sex has no human consequences.