Price: $4.95
Veteran high school teacher, pastoral consultant, author, and speaker on interpersonal leadership skills, Father Joe Lynch presents the theological and sociological framework of Catholic faith life and offers effective and creative suggestions to meet the challenges of pastoral planning and evangelization in today's Church.
Take and Eat: Living Eucharistically from the Resurrection Imprint of Catholic Book Publishing can be used for private meditation or as a source for group discussion. The spiritual (...)
More of Life and Love, written by noted author and speaker Msgr. James Lisante and from the Resurrection Imprint of Catholic Book Publishing, is a collection of the author's most n (...)
This workbook provides an opportunity for young adults to reflect individually or in a group about the common challenges and journeys of those in their twenties and thirties. It is (...)
Every member of the family can share the simple pleasures of life with a story-of-the-month by Ethel Pochocki. With sensitive illustrations by Mary Beth Owens that give visual life (...)