Price: $4.95
Handbook of the Mass from Catholic Book Publishing provides an introduction to understanding the greatest prayer of the Church: the Eucharistic Liturgy. This handy, compact volume contains 100 succinct summary statements that serve as a basic overview of the parts of the Mass. This attractive, user-friendly handbook has many uses: it is perfect for RCIA; for returning Catholics who need a "brush-up"; or as a concise, handy reference. Handbook of the Mass is enhanced with contemporary illustrations and is flexibly bound.
The Mass from Catholic Book Publishing is a thorough, exhaustive, informative book on the ritual, history, and theology of the Catholic Eucharistic Liturgy. Written by Benedictine (...)
Ending Abortion from Catholic Book Publishing contains a collection of stirring and informative pro-life essays by Father Frank A. Pavone, head of the national organization Priests (...)
Dictionary of the Liturgy from Catholic Book Publishing is the first full-fledged English-language dictionary on the Liturgy since the completion of the liturgical reforms of Vatic (...)
The Dictionary of Mary from Catholic Book Publishing is an invaluable sourcebook book that is equal to a short summa about the Blessed Virgin Mary. Written by foremost scholars, it (...)