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An essential guide for new parishioners, this New Parishioner Handbook from Catholic Book Publishing provides all the basic information needed for those joining a parish. This handbook offers explanations and answers questions about why one should register promptly, how soon to arrange for a child's baptism, and when to notify the priest about when one plans to be married. This handy, large-type, 64-page booklet is simple to use and provides lists of popular Christian baptismal names.
Understanding the Mass from Catholic Book Publishing is a practical, easy-to-use and understand booklet about the Mass. Written by Rev. Maynard Kolodziej, O.F.M., Understanding the (...)
The ideal gift for Confirmation candidates. Each set contains a St. Joseph Confirmation Book, beautifully bound in gold-stamped, burgundy bonded leather with our popular zipper clo (...)
The Saint Joseph Confirmation Book is an ideal companion for Confirmation candidates, providing the Confirmation rite, prayers, instructions, and inspiring readings from the Gospel (...)