Price: $11.95
St. Francis de Sales, known as the Apostle of Love, reaches out to all through this small book, showing that devotion is available to everyone in every walk of life and occupation.
Let St. Patrick be your daily companion and guide by praying words from his Confessio, and a reflection and prayer from Fr. Neil. Also included are traditional Irish prayers and th (...)
Confessions of St. Augustine is—after the Bible and The Imitation of Christ—the most widely translated and highly esteemed book in Christian history. Translated by Rev. J.M. Lelen, (...)
This resource has organized many of the most spiritually-uplifting passages from Thomas à Kempis's classic work in over 30 topical themes. This will enable those seeking consolatio (...)
Authored by world-renowned scholar Rev. Agostino Trape, O.S.A., Saint Augustine from Catholic Book Publishing is a comprehensive biography of one of the Church's greatest and most (...)